Saturday, February 19, 2011

Winter Sunshine!

It was a beautiful sunny day and a chilly 40 degrees with wind. Sarah wanted to go to the park of course. I put on my running shoes and enjoyed a calorie burning walk around the park while she rode and rode and rode. Dan stayed home with dad.

As we drove away from the house I realized the camera was still at home. I would have loved to get a photo of the purple crocus! The park is outstanding for a nature study, so I'm going to enroll myself in self-education by doing a weekly nature study. Maybe after awhile, the kids will want to join in.

I've been reading about hierarchical vs egalitarian views of women and the Bible. I'm finding as I look at the Bible through God's lens of love, I see the beauty of His egalitarian ways. How freeing!!!

February has been awesome as we have established (finally) a "fluid routine"...we do the same things each day but not necessarily in the same order!

I ditched the wall timeline (for now) because it doesn't relate to our real lives. I added a terrific history book  "The Story of the Ancient World" by H.A. Guerber from Nothing New Press which is an age appropirate narrative. We're almost done with "Life in the Great Ice Age", which Daniel has LOVED. I wish there were more like this.

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