We've really had to hone in on what's important for this first year. I've cut out A LOT of what I had planned! I was so worried we'd have tons of time on our hands, but that really isn't the case at all.
Our priority is to: establish a routine and learn about God from the Bible. Math is an essential for us. Reading is essential. Those things are bedrock. For now, everything else is icing.
Now we build on that...
I love
MathUSee so that has been going quite smoothly from the start. I LOVE how Steve introduces algebra throughout even the first Alpha book.
We have already gotten SO MUCH from
Wisdom and the Millers. The workbook is excellent for my 5th grader. It is a little much for my 2nd grader so we just have her do what she can for each lesson. We do one chapter per week.
Rod and Staff along with
Christian Light Publishers offer what I consider "wholesome old-fashioned" Christian resources.
We also have the Responsibility series from Pearables. We do this once a week and since I'm a FAILURE at anything domestic, it has been a fun learning tool for ALL of us! We do one lesson from each once a week.
I have purchased a ton of books for history. I bought the HOW Adam through Messiah, then Simply Charlotte Mason's Ancient through Deut...I think we'll get into that after doing one or two weeks on Creation. There's a cool lapbook "Creation vs Evolution" that I really like. I think it is
I ordered several books off the Module I for history and I'm excited that we are finally underway as of 10/22! We did lesson 1 in
Ancient through Deut from Simply Charlotte Mason.
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